3 Ways Clearing Your Energy Can Shift Your Mood

Patricia Bonnard
5 min readAug 11, 2021

Modern workspaces and work-lives are rife with mental, emotional, and physical challenges, no matter what profession you look at. For example, the average sedentary office worker spends most of the day hunched over a computer keyboard, eyes fixed on the glow from the screen, and tense with chronic stress, worry, and overwork. It’s enough to dampen anyone’s mood, motivation, productivity, and well-being. If this sounds like you or your staff, consider how clearing your energy can shift your mood and work-life experience.

How Clear Energy Improves Your Mood and Performance

To your body and your brain, thoughts and emotions are basically just energy. In fact, others around you can pick up on your vibe without you even uttering a word. When you clear your energy and regularly keep it clean, you change how you feel, think, work, and interact with others.

1. Elimination Of Mental Congestion And Blocks

What’s Mental Congestion

Mental congestion is a persistent overabundant jumble of thoughts and concerns. Common workplace contributors include unrealistic performance expectations, constant interruptions, frequent reprioritization of projects and tasks, and inadequate breaks. Most often, staff simply internalize the resultant pressure.

To accommodate, they adopt behaviors such as multi-tasking, over-scheduling, and over-working. As a result, to-do lists habitually cycle through their minds causing their attention to regularly shift between tasks. The ever-increasing mountain of obligations seems to elude completion. In other words, there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. Not surprisingly, staff ultimately become chronically worried, anxious, frustrated, and/or stressed.

No wonder many workers suffer from mental congestion. And, a brain in this state is typically overloaded, exhausted, unfocused, and unable to perform efficiently and effectively (Lesley University). Hence, the cycle continues. Ultimately, this leads to burnout and other detrimental outcomes for staff, management, and a company’s bottom line.

Does this situation resonate with you, your workplace, or someone you know?

What’s A Mental Block

The Oxford Dictionary defines a mental block as “an inability to recall some specific thing or perform some mental action.” A block can originate from overload and jumbled confusion as in mental congestion. However, it can also be due to emotional factors.

Many of my coaching and energy healing clients have mental blocks or they complain of being stuck. I’ve noticed that these complaints are often related to too many competing demands and/or unresolved tasks and issues. In other words, my clients feel as though they face an exhausting and seemly insurmountable conundrum. If they focus on one thing and bring it to completion, they have to endure the pressure of all that will remain unaddressed. There’s no obvious action that will resolve their dilemma so they feel blocked from taking any action at all. In this case, clearing the mental block is the only way to move forward.

Being Clear Of Congestions and Blocks

Whether it’s clearing the energy of congestion or blocks the basic result is similar. You create spaciousness and flow. For example, after an energy healing session, clients usually feel at ease, centered, clear-headed, grounded, calm, and in control. Similarly, after a session, a meditator tends to feel relaxed, vibrant, vital, insightful, and optimistic. From this vantage point, it’s easier to think more clearly, make effective choices, and get work done. A periodic cleanse or a regular daily or weekly routine practice can create a whole new normal for you. In this way, you can break the cycle of stress, overload, and more stress.

Furthermore, when the focus is on what gets done, rather than what still needs to be done, the mind and body celebrate the success with a shot of dopamine, a pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter (E Mayer). Even a positive reward for taking a small step can shift your energy and attitude toward life moving forward and away from being stuck and hopeless.

2. Elimination Of Physical Blocks And Congestion

A human’s natural response to stress is the activation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, also known as the fight-flight-freeze response. This causes your body’s chemistry and energy to shift toward defense and action. Resources flow to your extremities and away from your cerebral cortex or thinking brain, digestion, lymph, and other systems less critical to the body’s defense. Unfortunately, this highly elaborate and effective defense response can create a toxic internal environment if balance is not restored.

Stress and particularly chronic stress ultimately lead to a number of health conditions. Similarly, many physical conditions create or exacerbate stress because they can add new challenges, obstacles, and sources of discomfort.

One way to address or mitigate this disastrous cycle is to curtail the sources of your stress (e.g., overcommitting, toxic lifestyles). With conviction, taking this step is often more within your control than is immediately correcting chronic physical health issues. Of course, the health issues induced by stress will begin to subside as you continue to take more steps.

Energy clearing can enhance your physical healing, balance, and alignment. With clarity and spaciousness, you’ll improve your form and posture. Additionally, when energized, the body has greater stamina and drive.

3. Clear The Air

Miscommunication and actions, whether intentional or unintentional, can result in disagreements, conflicts, and hard feelings. These types of misunderstandings are often associated with lingering bad energy, perceived by those directly or indirectly involved. Even those who have absolutely nothing to do it can pick up on it. This type of disruptive or negative energy begets further miscommunication, hinders collaboration, and acts as a productivity drain.

Clearing the air allows all parties involved to recenter and re-establish a cordial and collaborative working relationship.

To many, the idea of clearing their energy may sound hokey or cultish. However, we are all made of energy. Our thoughts and emotions are energy. In addition, we have all in some way or another experienced how energy clarity relates to and creates well-being. Why wouldn’t you take a step, even a small step, toward clearing your energy to shift your mood?

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Patricia Bonnard

Integrated Coach and Energy Healer, Writer, Speaker, Teacher