How To Protect Yourself From Negative Energy of Others
Did you know people are always exchanging their energy with others? You are too. While some of that energy is positive, not all of it is. That’s why it’s important to protect yourself from the negative energy of others.
What’s Negative Energy
According to quantum physics and vibrational healing, everything is made of energy. This includes all living beings and nonliving things as well as every aspect of you: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
This means that underlying every health complaint or condition, you’ll find an energy disturbance, or what is also referred to as an imbalance. Similarly, all disagreements and arguments with others harbor some degree of energy dysfunction and toxicity. Even the best intentions can project negativity. It just depends on how the recipient perceives it.
So, toxicity is relative. Basically, if someone or something’s energy creates a sustained imbalance within you or any of your energy bodies (e.g., chakras and aura), it’s definitely not in your highest and best interest. It’s toxic and you want to release it with some form of energy clearing or healing.
In addition, the effects of energy on your system can vary in extent, intensity, and duration. Some imbalances are easy to cope with and/or adjust to. In this case, you can swiftly regain your equilibrium. But, some imbalances are intense, more broadly expressed, and persistent. This situation can be more challenging.
In fact, it is possible for energy that seems positive or is shared with good intentions to manifest negatively in the recipient’s system (e.g., helicopter parenting)
What Promotes Balanced Energy
If you’re communications and interactions with others are mostly cordial and sincere, it’s likely that the energy you exchange is benign or even beneficial. But, let’s be clear. Agreeing with someone when you don’t really agree or being nice to someone when you don’t truly feel that way is not sincere.
Maintaining a clear, balanced, and unincumbered flow of energy within and without is the basis of peace, harmony, good health, and well-being. This is also the trick to how to protect yourself from the negative energy of others.
3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Others’ Negative Energy
1. Surround Yourself With Positivity
How you show up in the world and view the world can have a great influence on what kind of energy you attract and how well you deflect negative energy. A negative or downtrodden outlook, attitude, or posture begets more negativity. Plus, it’s a lightning rod for toxic energy.
In contrast, a positive outlook garners positivity, is strengthening, and wards off negativity.
How to Surround Yourself In Positivity
Create An Energetic Sheld of Positive Energy
To create positivity, surround yourself and imbue your aura with strong positive energy. Do this by simply intending to draw toward you and surround yourself with a beautiful positive resonance. Maybe you can imagine this with your mind’s eye as well. And, add embellishments such as color, luster, or sensation. Make your sheld in any way that feels supportive and right for you.
Create your sheld daily and recharge it any time you like or when you feel an encroachment. Feel free to change its look and feel any time it suits you and your situation.
Creating a positive shield will not only deflect toxic energy. It will also improve your mood, outlook, posture, and overall affect.
Cultivate a New More Positive Outlook
Positivity doesn’t come naturally to everyone and certainly, no one is positive all the time. Fortunately, anyone can cultivate a bit of positivity with very little effort at least most of the time.
To do so, start by setting an authentic positive intention every day. Get beyond a simple affirmation, and make sure that it truly resonates with you and that you embody it.
Then, select a mantra, i.e., a simple phrase, to symbolize your intention. Throughout the day periodically conjure it in your mind or recite it out loud to remind you of your intention and refresh your positive outlook.
To amp up your optimistic outlook, consider developing a habit of reframing. This means simply rephrasing an opinion or belief more positively. In doing this, you want your more positive and optimistic variations in thought to be believable. The fact that they could be true, gives them more power. Here are three ways to do this.
- Acknowledge what is good about the situation and/or your behavior even when either is not perfect or exactly as you desired or expected. Can you just for this moment, find that silver lining, and give it some consideration?
- If need be, consider the opposite of your thoughts, especially, a more positive variation. Is there plausible evidence that this variation is true? If so, can you adopt that outlook just for now?
- Alternatively, or in addition, change your negative thought by adding the phrase “what if…” to it. Or, invent one or more desirable scenarios or possible outcomes and consider that these might just be as true. For example, you hesitate to go to your friend’s party because you don’t have a date. But, what if the very fact you’re unattached makes you attractive and available to another one of your friend’s guests? Now, you’ve embued your thoughts with optimism.
2. Set and Maintain Your Boundaries
One of the best ways to stay clear of other people’s toxic energy is to know, set, and maintain your boundaries.
Boundaries are simply “… an invisible line that defines acceptable behavior …” (a favorite description from the Wellness Center, University of Illinois, Chicago). They shape the scope and content of your engagements and create the foundation from which your interactions form, grow, and transform.
Whether fully aware of them or not, you have many different boundaries related to every aspect of your life, e.g., physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, professional, and personal.
To stay clear of boundary disturbances and the toxicity they entail, get to know your boundaries. Be cognizant of how rigid they are in what circumstances, and how they change in different contexts with different people. Your clarity and conviction will limit energetic muddling and associate imbalances. Hence, toxicity.
Saying Yes to Others When You Really Want to Say No Draws In Toxic Energy
Being able to say no is related to honoring and appropriately maintaining your boundaries. In other words, it’s being authentic. But, did you know that it can also protect you from other’s toxic energy?
By definition, if you always say yes, even when you really want to say no, you violate your boundaries and most likely those of others. In these instances, you’re not being honest with yourself and others about your intentions, wants, and needs. And, in so doing, you generate toxic energy within yourself because your choice is not in your highest interest.
Plus, your dishonesty creates toxicity in the relationship and within the other person’s energetic field. That negativity can echo back toward you in subtle or obvious ways.
In addition, each time that person innocently transgresses your true limits, you take on unwelcome energy.
To illustrate, two typical examples of this type of situation are when you agree to take on more work than you can handle, or you routinely acquiesce to whatever your partner wants to do over the weekend.
In the long run, the energetic imbalance perpetuates or repeatedly reemerges. This will continue and the negative energy will accumulate until you rectify your behavior and/or miscommunication.
Saying Yes When You Mean No Generates Toxic Energy in Others
As noted in the above scenario, your insincere actions give rise to toxic energy and imbalance in others. This is because your true motives (the real reasons you feel obliged to say yes) are disguised, perhaps unconsciously or unintentionally. This insincerity will generate toxicity to others. While you hope to be kind, you actually undermind your intention.
3. Energy Healing For Clearing Toxicity and Maintaining Balance
Good energetic hygiene will help ward off or release your and other people’s toxic energy. Learn how to clear and balance your energy or engage the help of someone who can and regularly visit an energy healer (e.g., Reiki or qigong practitioner).
Don’t leave yourself open to other’s toxic energy or to whatever energy doesn’t serve your highest and best interests. Try one or more of these approaches. Practice them regularly or when you perceive something is off or not quite right within you or with a relationship.
Remember, prevention and maintenance of balanced energy are vital to good health and well-being, and by extension, protection against toxic energy.